Using Docker on OSX

I've been playing with Docker, and wanted to get it stood up on OSX. I found that you need to set up a linux vm on your system to actually run Docker, and this guide over on that only needed a few simple modifications. 


1) You'll need to install VirtualBox before hand from here

2) Where he mentions exporting DOCKER_HOST you need to add port and protocol - 

export DOCKER_HOST=localhost
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:4243

Other then that this guide is excellent and I was able to get up and running in no time.

I’ve got a tattoo of a tattoo

I'm going to keep telling myself that I'm going to try and write more. I am writing some short stories that will probably never get seen. Hopefully by the end of the year I'll be able to showcase some of the dumb stuff I've done this year.

In case you've been missing my movie reviews I've been using letterboxd for that. It's much easier then keeping big spreadsheets as I am ought to do. 

They don't, however, have TV shows so I'll give you a quick lowdown on what I've been watching beyond the typical Game of Thrones maddness of popularity.

Man oh man, what I can I say about this show. If you're a fan of dark dramas, murders, both anti-heros and…anti-antaginists? The show basically introduces Hannibal Lector and documents his relationship with Wil Graham FBI specialist. 

The Goodwife
I know I'm really behind the times on this one. After hearing a lot of buzz about this current season(Season 5) I've started watching it. I'm only in season 2 but I'm really enjoying it so far. I had some trepidation about 'another network tv courtroom drama',' but those fears have been squashed. My biggest problem with the show, weird as this sounds, is the absurd amount of episodes in each season (23) makes it hard to catch up without serious marathoning.